Friday, June 26, 2009

2009 Lund Boats Catalog Photo Shoot

Lund Boats was back here at the resort again this Spring of 2009 working on the photo shoot for their latest catalog. They also captured quite a bit of video for use in creating their dealer DVD's, website videos and even some clips that will be used for television commercials. Even resort owner Dick Auger, and his grandson Seth Auger, were recruited for some video shots that might possibly be used in a future commercial.

As always, you can click on each photo to view a larger image.

Here are some photos below, and even a video clip...enjoy!

The video crew getting some shots from one of our docks.

This photo is a little dark, but in the background is the "Tower" boat getting some running shots, and in the foreground is the video crew creating some video clips with the help of resort owner Dick Auger and his grandson Seth Auger!

Another shot of Dick and Seth during the video shoot. The video guy on the right is Bill Lindner.

Another picture of the "Tower" boat taking some running shots.

Lund Boats creating some of their running photo shots with the photographer taking them from the helicopter. It was very interesting to see how all this was done!

This video was taken right out in front of the resort. The video crew was all setup on one of our docks with the boom attached to it. Notice how close the boat gets to the camera crew, as the boom lifts up, creating a stunning end to the running shot!

1 comment:

laura said...

Wow it so amazing when it comes the catalog photography shot..!